A network of business owners

growing together in faith and business

Who is Kingdom Entrepreneurs

Kingdom Entrepreneurs is a group for Christian business owners. We’re all about mixing business smarts with our Christian faith. Every month, we get together to talk about business, share what we’ve learned, make new friends, and pray with each other.

But it’s not all business talk. We also have discipleship group where we chat about Christian basics and support each other in our faith journeys. And for those who want to get better at running their businesses and leading their teams, we offer group coaching sessions. We also organize business retreats and conferences.

We believe that when you’re all-in with your faith and your business, you can really make a difference. That’s what Kingdom Entrepreneurs is all about – helping you be the best Christian business leader you can be, changing the world one step at a time.

Our Vision

At Kingdom Entrepreneurs, we’re all about bringing Christian business owners together to make a real difference in the business world.

Our vision is to create a community where faith and business go hand in hand. We believe that when business leaders fully commit to their faith and apply it in their work, they can change the world for the better.

It’s not just about making profits; it’s about leading with heart, guided by Christian values. We’re here to help each other grow in our faith and as business leaders, making a positive impact in our workplaces and beyond.

Monthly Groups

Discover a local group in your area. This is a peer to peer learning and networking group.

Regional Meetings

Packed with powerful speakers, discussion panels and networking. You can be sure to walk away from an event being challenged and motivated.


Our business retreats are one of a kind. You get to spend 3 days with other Christian business owners, go through business and personal exercises and spend evenings socializing.

Group Coaching

Discover if the group coaching is right for you

Discipleship Group

If you are looking to find out more about who God is and what does it mean to have a personal relationship with Him – this group is for you.